Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: incredible and interesting facts about the movie

For 15 years, fans have been waiting for this movie, the final installment of the legendary franchise about the incredible charismatic archaeologist Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is a cult personality. There have been many comics, computer games, and even music videos about the adventurous archaeologist. So he couldn’t just retire. So, new adventures are waiting for us.

What is the movie “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” about?

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Image credit: LUCASFILM

In 1944, Indiana Jones steals the Archimedean clock face from Nazi scientist Waller and escapes. In 1969, Jones’s goddaughter Helena, an adventurer who prefers black markets to museums, becomes interested in the history of the dial. Her father almost went crazy trying to solve the mystery of the relic, and then gave it to Jones to destroy. But the archaeologist was unable to do so.

Jones’s old friend Waller tries to steal the relic, but he is outrun by Helena, who wants to sell the clock face at a black market auction.

So Jones will have to go on another adventure with old friends and enemies. He has to protect the relic from the Nazi, because the dial can change history. And don’t forget about his goddaughter. So Indy will have quite a journey.

And the ending makes all the previous adventures of the famous archaeologist fade into the background.

Some interesting facts about the franchise

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Image credit: LUCASFILM

✨The fifth film was the first film in the franchise not directed by Steven Spielberg (he was limited to the role of producer). By the way, Spielberg once admitted that his favorite part of Indiana is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

✨By the way, this is also the first film in the franchise that George Lucas did not contribute to as a screenwriter.

🐶The idea of a movie about an adventurous archaeologist came to Lucas back in 1973. Remember the joke in the third part about Indiana taking his name from a dog? Yes, it is true. The archaeologist got his name “in honor” of Lucas’s dog.

✨After the success of the first (or fourth) installment of Star Wars, Lucas did start working on the story of the archaeologist. He was joined by Spielberg, who liked the idea. Since Lucasfilm did not have enough money, George Lucas began looking for investors, and he managed to convince Paramount Pictures of the project’s prospects. Apparently, Paramount didn’t regret it (even considering that Part 5 was made by Disney). An interesting fact is that the creation of 5 films was discussed back in 1979.

💰Previous films in the franchise have grossed almost $2 billion at the global box office with a total budget of $280 million (for all 4 films). The first movie with a budget of $18 million was released in 1981 and earned $389 million. The budget for the fourth installment was $185 million, and the box office was $786.6 million.

Meet Smith, Indiana Smith. Interesting facts about Jones

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Image credit: Spectator

✨Indiana Jones could have been… Smith, but Spielberg dropped the name because he hated it.

✨ The hat, which has become a symbol of Jones, was created in a very unusual way. The costume designer bent it a lot, and Ford sat on it several times.

🚴Harrison Ford was preparing for his comeback. Filming began in June 2021, and in July 2021, Ford turned 79 years old. He went on 40-mile bike rides and walked every day to get in the right shape for the role. The actor’s fee amounted to $20 million.

✨By the way, the footage of the “young” Jones in the movie is the work of AI. The creators took old footage of Ford and recorded new lines and with the help of technology were able to make what we will see on the screen and what the actor said: “Yes, that’s my face.”

✨There were rumors that Chris Pratt or Bradley Cooper could play the archaeologist. But Ford said he didn’t want the character to change: “When I go, he goes. It’s as simple as that.”